ADSAC DUI Assessment and Classes
To reduce the number of repeat offenders on Oklahoma roadways by providing educational services to DUI and/or Drug offenders, assist offenders to identify substance abuse problems, and refer those offenders identified with substance abuse problems to licensed community-based treatment programs.
Have you been charged with a DUI/DWI/APC/POSS in Oklahoma or another State? Here are the important things you should prioritize:
If you have not spoken with an attorney, do so immediately. Your attorney will assit you in this legal matter and will fight for you to keep your license. It is very important that you hire an attorney before you go to your court arraingnment. Your attorney will more than likely refer you to us at 918-586-2039 within days of you hiring them. Most of the attorneys like for you to get your ADSAC tasks completed BEFORE the Disposition where the Judge tells you to complete an ADSAC program. ADSAC DUI School, Inc. can provide you with all of the tasks you will need to complete to be in compliance with the court. When you give us a call to schedule your assessment, please have the following information ready when you call:
Full Name including Maiden name
Date of Birth
Date, city, type of offense, attorney name
Driver License number
Social Security Number
If you have been arrested for a DUI violation and your license has been revoked, you will receive a letter from the Service Oklahoma that will include the following information:
Date your License will be suspended/revoked.
Amount of Reinstatement Fee (Usually $315 or More)
Date You Are Eligible to Reinstate Your License (Usually 6 Months)
Instructions to Obtain an Alcohol/Drug Assessment (ADSAC DUI) and to Follow the Recommendations of the ADSAC DUI Assessment
IDAP Program - Please contact your attorney for more information. The breathalyzer.
Oklahoma does not currently have an online option for ADSAC DUI classes or Victim Impact Panel